🧠 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps doctors make better diagnoses, scientists create new materials, farmers grow crops more effectively and all of us driving cars - and millions of other applications. This topic also covers subsets of AI such as machine learning (ML), deep learning and neural networks.

Mathias SundinWALL-Y 3 min read

πŸ€– Klarna's new AI assistant does the same job as 700 people, after one month

The AI assistant has handled 2.3 million conversations, equivalent to two-thirds of all customer service chats, in its first month. Customers now resolve their issues in less than 2 minutes, an improvement of 82 percent compared to before.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ€” Wasn't China supposed to invent ChatGPT? That's what you said

"China will win the AI race!" was a commonly voiced fear until recently. But this has not been heard much since the release of ChatGPT. Once again, messy democracies were underestimated, and planned dictatorships were overestimated.

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

πŸ€– Say hello! Now she is a GPT – the development of WALL-Y – part 3

Now Warp News' news writer, WALL-Y, is available as a GPT. You can chat with her about fact-based optimism, discuss articles she has written, and hear whether she thinks the glass is half full or half empty.

Mathias Sundin 6 min read

🦾 Boosting AI usage - report from the first meeting of the AI Commission

What should we focus on to take the lead in the AI era? That's what we discussed at the meeting with the AI Commission. My focus is to quickly increase usage. That was the success of the 90s with the internet and will be the same with AI. And I have an idea of how.

WALL-Y 1 min read

🦾 Oslo buys ChatGPT for 110,000 students and teachers

The introduction of ChatGPT in schools can be compared to the introduction of the textbook, says Trond Ingebretsen, division director in the Education Agency.

Warp Editorial Staff 2 min read

πŸŽ‰ Warp News and WALL-Y nominated as Innovation of the Year

At the Newspaper Publishers' gala for Newspaper of the Year, Warp News and the AI bot, WALL-Y, are one of three nominees in the category Innovation of the Year.

WALL-Y 3 min read

πŸ† The Vesuvius challenge solved! We can read the first scroll

Two thousand years ago, an ancient library of papyrus scrolls was buried under a volcanic eruption. They cannot be unrolled without being destroyed. But thanks to the Vesuvius challenge, several competing teams have managed to read the scrolls anyway. The winning team was awarded $700,000.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» The angry optimist's guide to creating a GPT (your own special version of ChatGPT)

Now it's possible to build special versions of ChatGPT. It's powerful but super easy and anyone can do it. Here are some tips to get started.

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

🦾 What can we learn from the Swedish IT miracle for the AI era?

Newsweek named Stockholm Europe's internet capital. Swedes had the most computers and the best broadband in the world. From the Swedish IT miracle, Skype, Spotify, and many other unicorns were born. What can we learn from that as we now try to create AI miracles?