🧠 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps doctors make better diagnoses, scientists create new materials, farmers grow crops more effectively and all of us driving cars - and millions of other applications. This topic also covers subsets of AI such as machine learning (ML), deep learning and neural networks.

Per Soderstrom 2 min read

📣 Low-power microcircuits create an AI revolution

AI will need huge amounts of computing power for its "deep learning". Power-efficient microcircuits play a key role, behind the veil.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

📲 5G is almost here - so now the work begins with 6G

Hologram and haptic interfaces are just some of the possibilities that 6G can give us in ten years when the next-generation mobile network is to be put into operation.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

💡 The method that makes AI ​​learn more easily

Nvidia researchers have found a way to teach an AI to recognize images that require only a fraction of the training images normally needed.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

🚨 AI makes rescue drones better at finding lost people

An AI can determine a human presence in a thermal image with 95 percent certainty and is 70 percent better than an ordinary analysis of the image.

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

🧬 From games to science breakthrough - the story of AlphaFold

The history of computers competing against humans is long, and often attracts enormous attention. But what is it good for? What does it matter if a computer can win in chess, Go, or Starcraft? We got the answer when AlphaFold solved a 50-year old grand challenge in biology.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🥬 Vertical gardens push the future of agriculture towards the sky

Vertical gardens produce a large amount of fresh vegetables with minimal water consumption, without pesticides and genetic modification.

Linn Winge 2 min read

🌳 NASA is counting Earth's trees from space

NASA is using supercomputers and artificial intelligence to count the Earth’s trees from space.

Sakke Teerikoski 3 min read

🔭 First ever exoplanet discovery made by artificial intelligence

Astronomers applied a machine learning algorithm to validate the presence of exoplanets on telescope images, resulting in 50 new confirmed discoveries.

Anna Rennéus Guthrie 3 min read

🤖 Why technology helps politicians make better decisions – and eventually replaces them

It's time to release the potential in new technologies and make more democratic and rational decisions than ever before, writes Anna Rennéus Guthrie.