Artificial intelligence (AI) helps doctors make better diagnoses, scientists create new materials, farmers grow crops more effectively and all of us driving cars - and millions of other applications. This topic also covers subsets of AI such as machine learning (ML), deep learning and neural networks.
Astronomers applied a machine learning algorithm to validate the presence of exoplanets on telescope images, resulting in 50 new confirmed discoveries.
It's time to release the potential in new technologies and make more democratic and rational decisions than ever before, writes Anna RennΓ©us Guthrie.
A new operating system provides such a low delay over network connections that musicians can play together in real time remotely.
A microscope equipped with AR and AI should relieve doctors by making a quick initial cancer diagnosis.
Detecting Alzheimer's at an early stage can give us better medicines for the disease in the future.
When will AI be smarter than humans, if ever? In any case, this is an area where AI has taken the lead.
A new technology allows AI to describe images better than a human can, which can be very helpful for the visually impaired who use computers and mobile phones.
She is a former intelligence officer, who now works as Chief Information Architect at Combitech. AI and VR are the technologies that will do the most good for humanity in the future, she believes.