Artificial intelligence (AI) helps doctors make better diagnoses, scientists create new materials, farmers grow crops more effectively and all of us driving cars - and millions of other applications. This topic also covers subsets of AI such as machine learning (ML), deep learning and neural networks.
Vertical crops are considered to be truly sustainable. Startups have already attracted hundreds of billions of dollars to the area.
Laser scanning and AI give us maps that mark streams and wet areas with much higher accuracy than before.
AI will need huge amounts of computing power for its "deep learning". Power-efficient microcircuits play a key role, behind the veil.
Hologram and haptic interfaces are just some of the possibilities that 6G can give us in ten years when the next-generation mobile network is to be put into operation.
Nvidia researchers have found a way to teach an AI to recognize images that require only a fraction of the training images normally needed.
An AI can determine a human presence in a thermal image with 95 percent certainty and is 70 percent better than an ordinary analysis of the image.
The history of computers competing against humans is long, and often attracts enormous attention. But what is it good for? What does it matter if a computer can win in chess, Go, or Starcraft? We got the answer when AlphaFold solved a 50-year old grand challenge in biology.
Vertical gardens produce a large amount of fresh vegetables with minimal water consumption, without pesticides and genetic modification.
NASA is using supercomputers and artificial intelligence to count the Earthβs trees from space.