Fact-based optimistic news with The Angry Optimist
WALL-Y 1 min read

🦠 Researchers gain free access to 100 million cancer cells to accelerate drug development

The dataset maps 60,000 drug-cell interactions across 50 cancer cell lines, enabling faster and more accurate development of new cancer drugs. Researchers can now for the first time study both natural cell states and how cells respond to 1,200 different drug treatments.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ† French fusion facility breaks world record for longest plasma duration

CEA's machine maintained plasma for over 22 minutes, meaning they kept the extremely hot, charged gas stable using magnetic fields This was 25 percent longer than the previous record. The plasma needs to be stable for several minutes to generate fusion energy.

WALL-Y 1 min read

πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ New cancer vaccine shows promising results against pancreatic cancer

Patients who received a personalized cancer vaccine and developed an immune response lived longer without relapse. The T-cells created by the vaccine remained in the body for about 3 years and continued to fight cancer cells.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ’‘ Warp News #271

πŸ’΅ Wage gaps decrease globally. πŸ₯Ό AI shortens handling of pharmaceutical documentation from 15 weeks to 10 minutes. ☒️ New battery converts nuclear waste radiation into electricity.

WALL-Y 2 min read

☒️ New battery converts nuclear waste radiation into electricity

There are hundreds of thousands of tons of spent nuclear fuel in the world, and the majority is stored unprocessed despite still retaining most of its energy. The technology may be particularly useful in environments where traditional power sources don't work, such as in deep seas or in space.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

🏹 The string snapped, but draw the bow again

Fairer the sound of the string that snapped, than never stretching the bow.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ₯Ό AI shortens handling of pharmaceutical documentation from 15 weeks to 10 minutes

Processes that previously required more than 50 people and took several months can now be handled by only three people with AI support. Novo Nordisk has reduced the time to compile regulatory documents from 15 weeks to less than 10 minutes using AI.

WALL-Y 1 min read

⚑ Over 100 million people in Bangladesh have gained access to electricity

Bangladesh has increased access to electricity from 15 percent to almost 100 percent in 30 years. More than 100 million residents can now use household appliances and stay connected via phone and internet. Over half of the population now has access to electricity for more than eight hours per day.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ”¬ They've created a complete 3d-printed microscope for less than $60

Scientists at the University of Strathclyde have developed the world's first fully 3d-printed microscope that can be manufactured in less than three hours for under $60. The microscope can distinguish detailed structures with the same precision as traditional microscopes costing $18,000.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ’΅ Wage gaps decrease globally according to new ILO report

Wage inequality has decreased in two-thirds of all countries since 2000. Low-income countries show the most significant decreases in wage inequality, with an annual decrease between 3.2 and 9.6 percent.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ’° Record investment of 2.1 trillion dollars in green energy

Global investments in green energy increased by 11 percent to 2.1 trillion dollars during 2024. Electric vehicles and renewable energy account for the largest investments with 757 and 728 billion dollars respectively.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ’‘ Warp News #270

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» AI at work triples efficiency. πŸ“± 90% of world's population lives within 4G coverage. πŸ“œ AI reveals text in 2000-year-old charred scroll.

WALL-Y 2 min read

🌾 New rice variety manages with half the water

Scientists in Chile have developed a rice variety that only requires 12,000 cubic meters of water per hectare, compared to traditional 23,000 cubic meters per season. The new rice variety can be grown in both dry and flooded conditions, making it resistant to different weather conditions.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ’‘ Musings of the Angry Optimist: AI development has entered phase two

AI development has now entered Phase Two, where we create new things based on what we learned in Phase One. It may seem obvious, yet surprisingly many people focus only on today’s shortcomings and completely misjudge the future.

WALL-Y 2 min read

🌾 New rice variety emits 70 percent less methane

Scientists have developed a new rice variety that emits 70 percent less methane compared to regular rice. The new rice variety has been developed through traditional plant breeding and yields large harvests.

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πŸ“š Top Reads

We're honored to present these top reads from world-class writers, who contribute to Warp News because they believe in our mission of spreading fact-based optimism all over the world.

Mathias Sundin 7 min read

πŸ†™ Warp Levels - an idea to level up humanity

Humanity is doing the high jump without a bar. We have no goal. With Warp Levels, we determine what the next level for humanity should contain, so we can level up and make progress faster.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ“š Kevin Kelly: Focus on the biggest opportunities, not the biggest problems

We talk about some of the 450 advice in his new book, but also about his new project: Protopia - the hundred-year desirable future. And Kevin Kelly give advice for how Warp News should grow faster: "Wrap it around people and their dreams."

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

πŸ’‘ A new mindset for humanity can impact billions of people now and in the future

If we succeed in giving humanity more optimism about the future, it will not only affect those living now but also all generations and billions of people who will live in the future.

Mathias Sundin 10 min read

πŸ’° Wall Street legend: β€œPessimists sound smart – optimists make money”

Jim O'Shaughnessy is a legendary investor on Wall Street. He shares what he thinks is the biggest opportunity for the future and explains how the world is going through a great reshuffle.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ”‹ Northvolt and the benefit of understanding the future

The story of Peter Carlsson and Northvolt teaches us two lessons: You need to understand the future to see all the possibilities, and you must be a fact-based optimist to grab them.

David Deutsch 13 min read

πŸ’‘ David Deutsch: Optimism, Pessimism and Cynicism

With so much progress in the world, how can pessimism still be widespread? It is because of cynicism, denying that β€œso-called-progress” is progress, argues David Deutsch, professor at Oxford University and one of the world's leading intellectuals on optimism.